• Always do the initial setup phase of the hardware wallet offline. In other words, do not plug the device into a computer when setting it up. Plug it directly into a plug (i.e. a plug in the wall). This can prevent potential (but unlikely) setup vulnerabilities during the seedphrase and key generation step.

  • Always buy hardware wallets directly from the manufacturer.

  • Never use a hardware wallet that was used, given to you, opened or damaged in any way.

  • Always appropriately and with the utmost caution backup your seed phrases during the initial setup phase. Please see "Storing Seeds and Passphrases".

  • For advanced users: try setting up your hardware wallet with multiple pins and Bip39 passphrases. This allows you to have multiple accounts on a single device and enables plausible deniability. We use these advanced settings for our harder recommended wallet setups, later on in the book.

  • Do your research on the manufacturer and devices you are buying (make sure you know what you are getting and where you should/can go if you have problems).

  • You can use MyEtherWallet to view and transfer cryptocurrency that are stored on hardware wallets, thereby taking advantage of MyEtherWallet's easy-to-use UI while keeping the security and safety of a hardware wallet. Here are some step-by-step instructions explaining how to use a Ledger Nano S with MyEtherWallet.

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